Gimme the juice


I’m obsessed with my new juicer. I suppose it’s not all that new anymore, but it’s my new thing…so, it’s still new. 

A few months ago, I felt like garbage.  I was positive I had some crippling disease that was making me want to sleep 20 hours a day. I had zero energy. My lady parts were irregular…which made me freak out a little.  Maybe a lot. 

The trouble with the internet is you can try to diagnose yourself.  During the process, you discover 56 life altering syndromes that all work together to make you want to cry. 

I had to have a mammogram. Thankfully, I was in good health, even though I wanted to sleep all day and not speak to anyone. 

I finally bought a juicer.  Fuck it! It couldn’t hurt, right? 

I started making green juices every morning and quit coffee cold turkey.  Yeah. Sucks. 

I also quit consuming refined sugar at the same time. I was determined to get more natural energy and eliminate the crashes and moodiness. 

Juice!!!!! It’s pretty amazing. You can drink a whole salad in 3 minutes.  I haven’t done a full blown juice fast or cleanse yet…mostly because it’s hard to have fresh juice at work. 

I’ve learned your supposed to consume your juices within 15 minutes or the healthy properties in them begin to break down. 

This beautiful pink juice above is cucumber, green apple, lemon, and beet. Sweet and delicious.