Help me Do Cool Sh*t!

So I read a book in March.


That’s how the story begins….or rather, I searched amazon for a book under the category Starting a Business for Dummies.

I’ve gone back and forth in my head for years and years about being a creative business owner.  But what kind?  But would I be good at it?  But I don’t know anything about businessy stuff!  Do people even buy art anymore? But would anyone even want what I want to offer?  Is this stupid?  Am I crazy? 

Yes.  Crazy.

The book that caught  my eye while scrolling down the results….in big bold letters DO COOL SH*T.  Huh, that sounds like what I want to do.  Let’s investigate further.

I read the rest of the title.  Do Cool Sh*t: Quit your Day Job, Start your Own Business, and Live Happily Ever After by Miki Agrawal. 

Why, that sounds interesting and right to the point…all the while thinking (oh my goodness, I would vomit if I quit my job and there’s no way I can truly be a business owner and have any sort of happy freedom).

At any rate, I ordered the book, read it in two days, became slightly obsessed with it, read everything on their website, and learned about a Do Cool Sh*t Bootcamp in New York where they teach tangible business skills to the flighty minds of the creative dreamer!  Wow!  I scribbled all my ideas down, tried to organize them and rewrite them to sound enticing…and I applied.  I applied thinking about the other thousands of people that have read the book and were applying…and I just kept it in the back of my mind.  I also put the dates of the bootcamp in my calendar to keep the positive vibes open.

And I was accepted!  What????


That video took me over 4 hours to make….yeah.  But you can help send me to learn all this cool shit!  Follow this link to my crowdfunding site!!

Thank you followers!  You’re spectacular!



Happy thoughts


It’s interesting to see just how much we humans agonize over happiness.  Isn’t it?  We research it, we read about it, we make lists about it, we dream, goal-set, prioritize, flip-flop, argue about it, we buy colorful magazines that talk about it, we buy a lot of things for it actually, we blame, we start to loathe it sometimes, and then…sometimes, all of a sudden, it’s here!

Strange.  How a few days in the sunshine and a little break from the normal routine can re-spark that zest for life.  Puts it all in perspective…that life is short and every day is a step towards something better and greater.  I find that it helps me to make lists of things…

…so here’s my list of things that are currently filling me up:

*Cadbury chocolate Mini-Eggs…they come out for Easter time and they are  my favorite.

*A new clever book called One More Thing: Stories and other Stories by BJ Novak.  It’s a collection of short stories written with wit and humor…my favorite!  He was a writer for The Office and he wrote the children’s book, The Book with No Words.

*My good friend is having a baby at any moment!  Her due date is today!  I remember those last days of waiting were so strange and interesting and excruciating…but the wait is so worth it.  Good Luck to her!!

*Um…sunshine!  It’s 40 degrees here in the chilly Midwest.  That, my friends, is a heat wave.  I like to think I brought it back with me.  I’ll take credit where credit is due.

*Yellow tulips

*…which I haven’t officially signed up for because I have to pay a monthly fee, but basically you can find freelance/telecommuting jobs with legit companies.  Not scam companies.  I can tell you more as I find out, but why not write some blog posts for someone part-time and get paid?  Right?  Write?  Right?

*Coffee delivered to me by my husband while I type…yessssssssss

*Another book that I ordered that will arrive on Tuesday.  It’s called Do Cool Shit (Quit your day job, Start your own business, and Live happily ever after).  Pretty sweet eh?  By Miki Agrawal.  Not saying I’m ready to start my own business but I just really like books that break down overwhelming, larger than life events with witty, down to earth writing.  Yup.

*New work digs!  My job moved locations last week and we start in a new, fresh space tomorrow!  It’s so strange but also super great.  It’s great that we are growing and able to expand a little.  Yay!

*The sketch comedy class that I’m taking online through The Second City.  Let’s get weird, people.

What’s making you guys happy lately?